
Globalization: Through the Eyes of Suffering Children

Denson, T. (2011-12). Globalization: Through the Eyes of Suffering Children. (A Theological response: The harmful effects of globalization and multinational corporations on North America’s children). Penn.: Bookemon Inc. ISBN 9781605002569

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(Click Here to Order a Manuscript of a Selected Writing)

King, R. et. al. (2007). Establishing a wraparound/ case management program for at-risk youth and juvenile offenders within churches that serve predominantly urban populations. DC: Wesley Theological Seminary. Journal Manuscript.

Denson, T. (December, 2007). The globalizational mission of the 21st century church. Washington, DC: WTS. Journal.

Denson, T. (December, 2007). Summary of essays: Globalization, spirituality, and justice. Washington, DC: WTS. Journal.

Denson, T. (2009). All students can learn and achieve: preparing 21st century students for their postmodern careers. Charlestown, WV: American Public University. Collegial Research.

Denson, T. (2009). Professional development curriculum: Teaching contextual E/LA for healthcare professions. Curriculum Unit Module. Charles Town, WV: American Public University. Collegial Research.

CURRENT RESEARCH (book/journal "publishing" in progress)

Denson, T. (2015). Pray without ceasing: a survey of the types of prayers, meditations, and devotions.

Denson, T. (2011). African American heritages in education: Lost in diasporas. Washington, DC: Collegial Research.